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Seven pearls
For my 5th form
Unit 1
Lesson 1. Summer photos
Lesson 2. I remember my summer
Lesson 3. Where were you in summer?
Lesson 4. Nikita’s summer
Lesson 5. Nastya was in the country
Lesson 6. A day in town
Lesson 7. Camps abroad
Lesson 8. A Belarusian camp
Unit 2
Lesson 1. Go to the country and enjoy nature
Lesson 2. Go to a history museum and learn about the past
Lesson 3. Go to the library and read a good book
Lesson 5. In the amusement park
Lesson 6. Go on a school trip and connect lessons to real life
Lesson 7. My best day out
Lesson 8. Project «Interview at the school radio station»
Lesson 9. The first pearl
Unit 3
Lesson 1. What’s on TV?
Lesson 2. Films for you and me
Lesson 3. Do you love comedies? — I love them.
Lesson 4. What time is it?
Lesson 5. I often watch nature programmes
Lesson 6. Some comedies are silly
Lesson 7. Rotty and Moldy in the news
Lesson 8. Project “TV survey. Popular TV programmes and films»
Lesson 9. The second pearl
Lesson 10. The history of cartoons
Unit 4
Lesson 1. Happy holidays!
Lesson 2. How do you celebrate holidays?
Lesson 3. Special days of the planet
Lesson 4. Before Christmas
Lesson 5. Christmas time
Lesson 6. Last Christmas
Lesson 7. The third pearl
Lesson 8. Project “My favourite holiday”
Lesson 9. Christmas fun
Lesson 11. Christmas and New Year
Unit 5
Lesson 1. What’s for breakfast?
Lesson 2. Meals in Britain
Lesson 3. Is there any food in the fridge?
Lesson 4. Where’s the food?
Lesson 5. A healthy body
Lesson 6. I’ve got a headache
Lesson 7. You should go to the doctor
Lesson 8. Healthy habits
Lesson 9. The fourth pearl
Lesson 10. Poor old Mr Owl’s toothache
Unit 6
Lesson 1. Map of the city
Lesson 2. Getting around the city
Lesson 3. How do I get to the nearest bank?
Lesson 4. Safety rules
Lesson 5. Photos of Minsk
Lesson 6. A day in Minsk
Lesson 7. Belarusian towns and cities
Lesson 8. My favourite place in my native city, town or village
Lesson 9. We must catch them!
Lesson 10. Town Mouse and Country Mouse
Unit 7
Lesson 1. In the city or in the country?
Lesson 2. Farm animals
Lesson 3. Looking after farm animals
Lesson 4. Working in the country
Lesson 5. Cotswold Farm Park
Lesson 6. Rotty and Moldy on the farm
Lesson 7. The fifth pearl
Lesson 8. There’s no place like home
Lesson 9. Is it better in the town or in the country?
Lesson 10. Country Mouse and Town Mouse
Unit 8
Lesson 1. Continents
Lesson 2. Different places
Lesson 3. Animals and birds on different continents
Lesson 4. A blue-eyed country
Lesson 5. The fortune teller
Lesson 6. The Magic Map
Lesson 7. On the island
Lesson 8. Project “An unusual island”
Lesson 9. The sixth pearl
Lesson 10. Flippy, the penguin
Unit 9
Lesson 1. English-speaking countries
Lesson 2. Let’s visit Chris
Lesson 3. Planning a route
Lesson 4. Invite your friend on a trip
Lesson 5. The adventures of Baron Munchausen
Lesson 6. Interview about a trip
Lesson 7. A traveller’s diary
Lesson 8. Project “A traveller’s diary of around-the-world journey”
Lesson 9. The last pearl
Ready for adventure
English 6 Unit 1
English 6 Unit 7
E6 U7 L1. School books
E6 U7 L2. School rules
E6 U7 L3. Do I have to?
E6 U7 L4. My timetable
E6 U7 L5. Favourite subjects
E6 U7 L6. An English class
E6 U7 L7. Different countries — different schools?
E6 U7 L8. Live and learn
E6 U7 L9. Lunch break
English 6 Unit 8
E6 U8 L1. Film, film, film!
E6 U8 L2. Film fans
E6 U8 L3. Books everywhere
E6 U8 L4. Question time
E6 U8 L5. Fictional character
E6 U8 L6. Reading is cool
E6 U8 L7. He created a new universe
E6 U8 L8. Film critics
E6 U8 L9. Books and films — question quiz
English 6 Unit 9
E6 U9 L1. World of hobbies
E6 U9 L2. Tell me why
E6 U9 L3. Time for fun
E6 U9 L4. It’s so enjoyable!
E6 U9 L5. Unusual hobbies
E6 U9 L6. Indoor and outdoor fun
E6 U9 L7. Favourite sports on both sides of the ocean
E6 U9 L8. Party for everybody
E6 U9 L9. School is over! Oh, what fun!
Lesson 7. He created a new universe